Facing Fear in a Dangerous World

July 2021 Newsletter


There are many challenges facing the world, this country, the church, and individuals. The news is filled with stories that can sometimes bring feelings of fear and despondency. For me, I sometimes think the entire world has gone mad. But as I have thought through some of the events that are taking place I have come to the conclusion that emotion has supplanted reason for many. The way people personally ‘feel’ about a subject becomes ‘their’ truth, and it does not matter if reason and logic prove their position to be nonsensical.

As believers, we have an advantage when it comes to reasonable thinking. Knowing God gives us a perspective on life that is substantively different from those who do not. We do not live in fear of the unknown because our Father promises that He is always present and in control. We do not live in fear of death because Jesus has conquered death and the grave. We do not live in fear of failure because the Holy Spirit enables us to accomplish all that God desires for us to do.

Yet, many times when we encourage one another not to fear it almost seems unreasonable. After all, fear is a natural response to danger that might threaten us. Perhaps, then, it’s not the feeling of initial fear that is a problem but the continued weight of the anxiety that usually accompanies prolonged fear. As Paul instructed Timothy, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). If we maintain a ‘spirit of fear’ we should recognize this is not the life God wants us to live. Bible commentators note “that power and love and a sound mind are placed in opposition to fear.” In other words, it is impossible to experience the power of the Holy Spirit, the ability to love our neighbor, and make rational and wise decisions when we maintain a spirit of fear.

How then can we live in a dangerous world without succumbing to a spirit of fear? The biblical response is to discipline our minds to focus of God and knowing Him and His great love. 1 John 4:18 teaches us, “There is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out fear.” This way we can know God, love Jesus, and impact the world!

Family update

Sharon, Rush, Claire, Lyndsay, Alice, and Rusty

We are having a great time with our granddaughter, Alice. She is growing and happy and brings joy to our hearts. Rush and Claire are doing a great job parenting and experiencing life with a new baby. We would appreciate prayers for Alice as she will undergo a procedure on September 10th to set her left hip into the socket. She will be in a body cast for three to four months, and this will be a challenge. Lyndsay and Lowrey are doing well. Both of them are continuing to audition and perform. As things have opened back up, it is wonderful to see them be able to continue to use their God-given talents and be a light to the world. Sharon is working hard at her toxin free skin care business and encouraging others with their healthy lifestyles. She is really enjoying being Grandmermie to baby Alice and loves spending time with our little sweetheart. I’m happy to say that I am getting more inquiries about having in person events in churches. Please pray that the Lord will bring these to fruition. I continue to work on new teaching material and the Foundation of the Faith website and updating the material and podcasts. Of course, I’m loving being Granddaddy to baby Alice.

Chair of Leadership

J.B. Waddle, Phyllis Waddle, James Flanagan, Steve Steinhilber

Two of the biggest blessings in my life are my father and mother-in love, J.B. and Phyllis Waddle. They are a constant source of encouragement and inspiration to me. Their love for Jesus and the church are evidenced through the giving of their resources and participation in missions work around the world. On June 29th an event was held that was the culmination of a dream by establishing the James and Phyllis Waddle Chair of Leadership for the 21st Century at Luther Rice College and Seminary.

Luther Rice President, James Flanagan, and incoming president, Steve Steinhilber, were present along with many family members and friends as the documents were signed establishing the Chair. This will allow students to learn leadership principles and skills for years to come so that they can influence others to follow Christ.

Thank you!

for your continued prayerful support of the ministry of Foundation of the Faith!

Rusty and Sharon